Equipment Life Cycle Management

The organization should ensure that policies and procedures are established for facilities, equipment and systems (including software and firmware) life cycle management, covering installation, commission, operation, maintenance, repair, upgrade and replacement including the following:

  1. Test and commissioning of all facilities equipment should be conducted as per section 16.9.1 - Testing of d.
  2. Up-to-date records should be maintained detailing all facilities equipment including, but not limited to, key parameters such as:
    a) Installation date.
    b) Warranty period.
    c) Firmware/software version.
    d) EOL (End Of Life) date, if known.
    e) EOS (End Of Service) date, if known.
    f) (Tentatively) scheduled EOD (End Of Deployment) date, as per the policies of the organization.
    g) Short description current state of the equipment (e.g. new, good condition, watch list, schedule replacement).
  3. Equipment should comply with local regulatory requirements and recommendations by the equipment manufacturer and relevant industry norms and best practices.
  4. Equipment should be installed, managed and maintained by qualified personnel and as per the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.
  5. Regular reviews and tests should be conducted to ensure that the equipment is working as per its intended design and/or manufacturers specifications.
  6. Equipment which has reached the EOD should be decommissioned and disposed of by qualified personnel according to recommendations of the equipment manufacturer and in compliance with applicable regulations.

Through facility/equipment life cycle management, the organization should ensure that all physical facilities and supporting equipment are fit for their intended purposes on a continuous basis, in order to assure accessibility of the users of the organizations to the subscribed services.

The organization should institute proper systems of care and attention covering the life span of each facility and equipment item used, with the life span covering building, installation, commission, operation, repair, maintenance, upgrade and replacement of the physical facilities and equipment as appropriate.

The organization should have policies and procedures in place which ensures that notification requirements, which are part of SLAs, are adhered to when making performing tests, maintenance or replacement of critical equipment (e.g. UPS systems).