ISO 27001

What is ISO 27001 ?

An ISO 27001 information security management system is a systematic and pro-active approach to effectively managing risks to the security of your company’s confidential information.

The system promotes efficient management of sensitive corporate information, highlighting vulnerabilities to ensure it is adequately protected against potential threats. It encompasses people, process and IT systems.

An ISO 27001 certification can be achieved by any business of any size, in any given sector, which is looking to increase and enhance the company’s security of its data.


Why ISO 27001 certification?

Information is an asset which, like other important business assets, has a value to an organisation and consequently needs to be suitably protected.

This standard will help your company coordinate all your security efforts both electronically and physically, coherently, cost effectively and with consistency and prove to potential customers that you take the security of their personal / business information seriously.


Benefits to you:

  • Cost reductions due to avoiding incidents
  • Smoother running operations as responsibilities and processes are clearly defined
  • Improved business image in the marketplace – customers have peace of mind that the company is trustworthy


Benefits to your customers:

  • Working with a trustworthy provider maintains the company’s own integrity to the safeguarding of its data
  • Installs confidence further down the supply chain resulting in stronger customers / supplier relationships


Benefits to your staff:

  • Having appropriate access controls in place lowers the risk of accidental exposure to employees of confidential/sensitive information
  • Reassurance that their employer is meeting data handling security guidelines
  • Defines clearly and precisely roles and responsibilities therefore job satisfaction and productivity is increased

• Foundation

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