Why Choose EPI Training

Here are 6 reasons which make EPI training stands out so you can get the highest quality training and return on your investment.


Data Centre Expert


EPI is a data centre expert company which has been in the data centre industry for over 35 years. All the EPI courses are written by our internal team of certified data centre experts whom have many years of real-life hands-on experience in designing, auditing and operating mission-critical data centres all over the world. Our participants can be certain that the EPI trainers and auditors have done it all and seen it all. The EPI courses offer the most effective learning combination of the concepts which lay the foundation and hands-on practical insights into what works and what doesn't work when it comes to setting up, maintaining and running mission-critical sites.


Course Development Methodology


Our courses are developed based on a proven education design framework for effective competence development. At the core is the understanding of the industry needs. EPI has formulated this in the EPI IT & Data Centre Framework which contains all the disciplines required for a fully managed IT and data centre environment. Based on this, EPI wrote the world’s first and only Data Centre Competence Framework (DCCF©). The DCCF® is an extensive documentation of the job roles and competences required in a mission-critical data centre environment. Using the job-competence model in the DCCF®, EPI’s external accreditation and examination institute, EXIN, develops the testing criteria. These testing criteria are then used by EPI to build the course content. Each course is written to teach the identified competences, incorporating the real-life experience of EPI’s global team of trainers and auditors, and referencing Bloom’s taxonomy for effective instructional design.


International Standards


EPI courses reference international standards such as ANSI/TIA-942, EN-50600, NFPA-75 and many others ensuring that our participants acquire the most relevant and updated industry knowledge.




Involvement in Standard Bodies and Standards Development


EPI sits on the technical committee of a variety of standards bodies (TIA, BICSI, SS) and plays an active role providing feedback and suggestions for improvements on standards. For example, EPI submitted well over 200 request-for-change in the latest TIA-942 standard which was the single largest contribution ever done by one party. EPI truly understands the subject-matter and is active in advancing the industry.



Vendor Neutral


EPI courses are vendor-neutral. We teach the knowledge which enables our participants to become successful by being able to understand, apply, analyse, compare, evaluate, and choose the best solution for their environment. Participants will learn to ask the right critical questions to their vendors ensuring solutions are aligned with the business objections, or if the participants are the vendors, to be ready with substantiated answers to the questions from customers, thus creating great credibility.



Independent Accreditation and Certification


All EPI courses have undergone external review and accreditation by EXIN, a fully independent global accreditation and examination body focused on the ICT and data centre industry. EXIN also administers the examination and issues the globally accredited certificates. The separation of training and accreditation/certification ensures the quality of the EPI course contents and unbiased value of our certifications. Organisations and participants can be assured of the absolute quality and credibility of our training and certifications.

• Foundation

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EPI Data Centre Conpetence Framework

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