6 Thought-Provoking Questions for Data Center Operators

After speaking to hundreds of data center managers all over the world, we have gathered these 6 questions. 

  1. Data center operators say that they have all SOPs and MOPs under control. If that is true, how come that the majority of data center downtime is still caused by Human Error?
  2. You claim your data center operations is running well and better than your competitors… What is the ISO recognized maturity level you running at? Have you measured it?
  3. ISO standards are not specifically written for data centre operations, and you are often challenged to implement them. Would you like a standard which is fully aligned with ISO and specifically written for data center operations? A standard which can help you to achieve/maintain ISO compliance whilst optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations?
  4. How do you baseline the maturity of all your various data center operations?  How do you right-size progressive improvement plans?
  5. Experienced downtime caused by the personnel of your maintenance vendor? How do you ensure alignment of services required versus competence of the staff?
  6. What is your excuse to the management when your data center goes down due to operational procedures?

Most of the above challenges are on the minds of many data center managers and if you don’t fix it at the root level, the headaches and risk will only get worse

It might seem like a big challenge to fix, but the good news is you are not alone

We have the solution for you, the DCOS assessment.  

We have worked with many data centers and have delivered rapid improvements for them. We can help you do the same.

The EPI DCOS assessment will help you:

  1. Identify the gaps in your data center governance, maintenance and operational processes
  2. Improve your processes based on the proven DCOS standard
  3. Reduce riskimproves safety and security, environmental sustainability and availability
  4. Ensure your compliance to corporate governance and local codes
  5. Ensure that the services you provide to your customers meet the described requirements
  6. Minimize your customer complaints and improve their satisfaction level, so they stay with you year after year
  7. Create confidence and trust with your investors, customers and employees
  8. Enable your salespeople to win sales easier!

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