The EPI IT Training Framework - Part 1 of 4

The EPI IT Training Framework
The World’s Only IT Training Framework Fully Aligned with the e-CF – Part 1 of 4

Published on January 20, 2017

Managing Director
EPI Malaysia

We have often received many questions about the EPI IT Training Framework, CITP, CITS and CITE.  Among the most common questions are:

  • What is it?
  • What competitive advantages can it provide to ICT professionals?
  • How does it compare against other ICT training courses in the market?

In a series of 4 articles I will provide you with the information about the EPI IT training framework. In this first article I will describe the framework itself, followed by 3 articles about the 3 courses within the framework, being CITP (Certified IT Professional), CITS (Certified IT Specialist) and the, soon to be released, CITE (Certified IT Expert).

The EPI IT framework was launched in 2016 with CITS as the first available course. We decided to release the 2nd level course, CITS, first as this course is superseding the well-known CITM course which we phased out. CITP, the first level course in the framework was launched in mid 2016 .

The CITx courses are fully aligned with the European e-Competence Framework (e-CF) which is now a European standard (CSN EN 16234-1). The e-CF provides a reference of 40 competences as applied at the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) workplace, using a common language for competences, skills, knowledge and proficiency levels (1 until 5). The EPI IT Training Framework follows the e-CF competences by addressing the required proficiency levels in each level of the CITx course.

CITP covers the proficiency levels 1 and 2 and is an excellent course for anyone active or starting a career in the ICT field. CITS covers proficiency level 3 and is aimed at team leaders, supervisors and aspiring/ existing managers. CITE will address proficiency level 4 and 5, targeting experienced managers and aspiring/existing senior managers and directors. 

Each course contains exercises that will gradually increase in the level of complexity, building competences for the respective proficiency level. Also, each course will end with an exam, leading to the award of an internationally accredited, and globally recognized certification.

In principle, all courses are ‘stand-alone’, i.e. there is no pre-requisite of taking one level before taking the other level. However, it is recommended to heed the prerequisite in terms of experience for each course to get the most out of it. Although stand-alone, the courses do build on top of each and therefore offer an excellent career development track for IT professionals.


More information on the e-CF

More on the courses in the EPI IT Training Framework 


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